Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Did C. S. Lewis Go to Heaven?

The Trinity Foundation - Did C. S. Lewis Go to Heaven?

I'm very sad about this.  C. S. Lewis was my mentor (through his writings) when I first became a Christian, and some of the things he wrote have been written into my soul.  But I can't deny the truth of what John Robbins said:  C. S. Lewis was no Evangelical.  I feel like a huge trunk full of unpleasant things has dropped on the ground right in front of me.

As for whether he went to Heaven or not, that's a different matter, and I think he did.


Anonymous said...

Greetings Mr. Warren - I am a former employee of WV and you asked me to "prove" that WV's programs do not accomplish what they claim to. Unfortunately, when employees leave WV they are prohibited from taking confidential internal documents and therefore I was not able to take any information to back-up these claims. All I can state is that I worked on three different studies at the organization - one focused on nutrition, one focused on malaria, and one focused on HIV/AIDS. The results of each study indicated that WV communities ("Area Development Programs" or ADPs as they are called) were no better off than neighboring communities. This was true for nutrition programs that had been in effect for nearly 15 years - there was no data to demonstrate that WV had an impact. During my tenure with WV I also witnessed instances involving child sponsors continuing to provide financial support for months (and years in one case) after the child they sponsored had passed away. I apologize for the tone of my comment yesterday - I think WV's decision to reverse its stance on homosexuality is sad and I let my frustration get the better of me. However, I do stand by my comment that the organization does not achieve the aims it seeks and while I cannot provide you with copies of these three reports, I have seen the data with my own eyes and it was enough for me to leave the organization. I am generally not one to comment on blogs and won't be checking back, however, I did want to first apologize for the tone of my comment and second to let you know that WV may not necessarily be all it is made out to be.
-Former Employee

Anonymous said...

Greetings Mr. Warren - I am a former employee of WV and you asked me to "prove" that WV's programs do not accomplish what they claim to. Unfortunately, when employees leave WV they are prohibited from taking confidential internal documents and therefore I was not able to take any information to back-up these claims. All I can state is that I worked on three different studies at the organization - one focused on nutrition, one focused on malaria, and one focused on HIV/AIDS. The results of each study indicated that WV communities ("Area Development Programs" or ADPs as they are called) were no better off than neighboring communities. This was true for nutrition programs that had been in effect for nearly 15 years - there was no data to demonstrate that WV had an impact. During my tenure with WV I also witnessed instances involving child sponsors continuing to provide financial support for months (and years in one case) after the child they sponsored had passed away. I apologize for the tone of my comment yesterday - I think WV's decision to reverse its stance on homosexuality is sad and I let my frustration get the better of me. However, I do stand by my comment that the organization does not achieve the aims it seeks and while I cannot provide you with copies of these three reports, I have seen the data with my own eyes and it was enough for me to leave the organization. I am generally not one to comment on blogs and won't be checking back, however, I did want to first apologize for the tone of my comment and second to let you know that WV may not necessarily be all it is made out to be (To use your words, all that is gold does not glitter).
-Former Employee